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Friday, 10 November 2023
Минсельхоз РФ предлагает продлить сразу на два года - до 1 января 2026 года - отмену госрегистрации сои и соевого шрота, произведенных с генно-модифицированными организмами (ГМО), при условии подтверждения их безопасности Россельхознадзором.

Wednesday, 12 July 2023
Минсельхоз уже со следующего года может запретить ввоз сои и соевого шрота в нашу страну, при условии, если удастся собрать собственный урожай этой культуры выше, чем в прошлом году (5,5 млн тонн).

Tuesday, 16 May 2023
По данным мониторинга аналитического агентства FEEDLOT, цены на соевый шрот в России на текущей неделе практически остались на уровне прошлых семи дней, снизившись в среднем на 0,2%.

Tuesday, 08 November 2022
По предварительным прогнозам, мировое производство основных видов шротов в сезоне-2022/23 вырастет – во многом за счет увеличения показателей выпуска рапсового и соевого шрота.

Friday, 01 April 2022
Также с 15 апреля по 31 августа вводится квота на экспорт подсолнечного масла и шрота

Thursday, 24 March 2022
Министр сельского хозяйства РФ Дмитрий Патрушев сообщил, что с доступностью подсолнечного масла нет сложностей, в том числе благодаря принятым мерам таможенно-тарифного регулирования

Wednesday, 17 November 2021
Об этом сообщает SoyaNews, ссылаясь на оперативную информацию Росстата.

Monday, 30 August 2021
По мнению аналитиков CRM Agri, в 2021/22 году ожидается мировой дефицит рапсового шрота.

Monday, 08 June 2020
"We think it (the decision) was not clear to participants in the feed market. If you follow the logic that these volumes of soybeans and soybean meal needed to meet the needs of breeders, it can be easier: either to restrict exports or to adjust export increase export duties" - this position was voiced in an interview with "Cupid" TV Executive Director NKS Sergey Mikhnyuk.

Thursday, 07 May 2020
In the last month the amount of loading of sunflower meal on vessels in Russian ports reached 93.5 million tonnes, the Agency said Grain Online, citing the Group of companies "TDR".

Wednesday, 29 April 2020
The simplification of the conditions of importation will reduce the price of the meal in Russia is about 20%, which reduces the profitability of processing

Tuesday, 17 December 2019
According to the Federal center for grain quality, the grain in the current season (July 1 to December 10, 2019) Russia exported 506 thousand tons of soybeans, which is 61% higher than the same period of the 2018/19 season.

Monday, 09 September 2019
The Ministry of agriculture of USA (USDA) suggests that consumption of soybean meal in China in 2019/2020 MG will be reduced to a 4-year low. This happens due to the reduction of pigs caused by African swine fever, writes World-Grain.

Wednesday, 04 September 2019
According to experts of Oil World, in July of this year India exported a total of 192 thousand tons of soybean and rapeseed meals, which is almost 40% higher than in the previous month (138 thousand tonnes), but 10% inferior to the result of July last year.

Thursday, 22 August 2019
Scientists from Norway in the experiment we tested what happens when you replace soybean meal canola for growing pigs and concluded that it would take breeding for breeding pigs-rhapsodos

Friday, 26 July 2019
Strategic issues of agriculture, meat production, creation of breakthrough industrial technologies, prospects of development of the Russian economy in the next 20-25 years – current topics of international Forums for the production and use of plant, microbial and animal proteins "Proteintech and Proprotein".

Tuesday, 23 July 2019
According to the European Commission, within three weeks of the current season, the EU countries sharply increased imports of oilseeds and products of their processing. The Agency said Grain Online.

Thursday, 04 July 2019
In 2019 Saratov oblast has shipped the first batch of sunflower meal in Italy.

Wednesday, 08 May 2019
According to preliminary estimates from the agriculture Ministry, export of oil and fat products segment in the first quarter of 2019 (excluding EEU) increased by 23%. By 2024, according to the plans of the Ministry, the exports of goods the industry is expected to grow to $8.6 billion.

Wednesday, 17 April 2019
TONAR plant, which is part of the Association "Rosspetsmash", set out in April 19 the universal semitrailers TONAR kartofelnikov-9591 large farmers.