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Главные новости
Friday, 07 July 2023
На Кубани все плохо, остальной ЮФО радует, немного лучше УФО и СФО

Wednesday, 30 March 2022
«В 2022 году в мире вероятен дальнейший резкий рост цен и возникновение проблем с продовольственными рынками отдельных стран. Национальный союз агростраховщиков считает важным продолжение политики Правительства РФ, направленной на максимально возможную государственную поддержку аграриев нашей страны, включая содействие в сфере агрострахования, для того, чтобы они могли стабильно выполнять задачу обеспечения продовольственной безопасности», – заявил президент НСА Корней Биждов, комментируя публикацию отчетов Продовольственной сельскохозяйственной организации ООН (FAO) и других экспертных центров.

Thursday, 17 February 2022
В прошлом году российский рынок агрострахования вырос почти в полтора раза. Правда, застраховано при этом все равно меньше 8% посевных площадей. С этого года ситуация должна кардинально поменяться: в первых числах февраля был заключен первый договор страхования с господдержкой от чрезвычайных ситуаций (ЧС) природного характера. Такая страховка будет стоить в разы дешевле, оформить ее и получить выплаты будет гораздо проще.

Friday, 25 June 2021
Минсельхоз надеется, что засуха, которая наблюдается в некоторых российских регионах, не повлияет на сбор урожая зерновых. Прогноз сбора урожая сохраняется, сообщила журналистам замминистра сельского хозяйства Оксана Лут.

Wednesday, 20 January 2021
На значительной части этой территории снижение уровня влажности почвы составило от 20% до 50%

Monday, 08 June 2020
In the southern districts of the Omsk region, in the South-West of Novosibirsk region and in the Western part of the Altai territory recorded the lowest rates of vegetation index that tells about the significant delay in the development of the crops, – to the data analysis system space monitoring on June 3, 2020, conducted by the National Union of agricultural insurers.

Season 2020/21 will develop under the influence of a number of factors. Among them, the epidemiological situation in the world, and the devaluation of the ruble and a possible decrease in demand. However, most farmers, as before, fear of negative weather events. The lack of moisture in the South has brought about changes in the volume of the collection. Crop nevertheless, while the second is expected after a record — 123 to 126 million tonnes

Tuesday, 10 December 2019
In the TRANS-Baikal region affected by drought, the farmers will pay compensation up to the end of 2019. About IA REGNUM reported on 10 December the provincial government.

Wednesday, 20 November 2019
Ethiopia and the international Fund for agricultural development (IFAD) signed a financing agreement in the amount of 90 million US dollars to implement a new joint project to improve the livelihoods of residents in low-lying arid areas of the country.

Monday, 28 October 2019
Farmers in Zabaykalsky Krai received more than modest results of the agricultural season in 2019.

Monday, 14 October 2019
Despite the most severe in the last 10 years harvesting, the grain harvest in Bashkortostan instead of the projected 3.1 million tons to 3.3 million tons. About it at operative meeting in the Republican government said the acting Vice Prime Minister, Minister of agriculture RB Ilshat of Faizrahmanov.

Friday, 04 October 2019
In Ukraine as of September 30, according to expert estimates, about 50% of the area remained in a state of drought. In General, during the third week of September on the territory of Ukraine remained unfavourable agrometeorological conditions for planting and initial growth of winter crops due to the hard air and soil drought. This is stated in agrometeorological review the second third of September of the Ukrainian hydrometeorological.

Thursday, 03 October 2019
As of October 1, which began in Brazil, the sowing campaign of soybean was carried out only 1% of the planned area, which is inferior as the previous year (4.6 percent) and the average (2.3 percent), due to dry weather conditions in the country.

Wednesday, 02 October 2019
Drought, caused by global warming could destroy up to 60% of wheat fields in the world by the end of the century that will lead to food shortages and instability, warn researchers.

Wednesday, 11 September 2019
A state of emergency due to atmospheric and soil drought declared in 24 districts of the Orenburg region.

Wednesday, 04 September 2019
The damage from emergency situations on the territory of Russia reached 9.5 billion rubles. In the year 2109 affected 15 regions.

Wednesday, 28 August 2019
The last two months was not very successful for farmers - drought in some areas and incessant rains in others has led analysts several times to reduce the forecast of the gross grain harvest.

Monday, 26 August 2019
China makes a small purchase, but canola supplies from major exporters are still suspended. And in the EU, meanwhile, has the poor rapeseed crop in 13 years

Friday, 23 August 2019
Growers in Northern regions of the country actively clean grain. So, for the past day in North Kazakhstan region harvesting conducted by 23.4 thousand hectares.