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Rating of regions
Friday, 28 April 2017
On the eve of may holidays portal agro2b.ru considered how much it will cost people in different regions of Russia the cooking of pork or lamb

Wednesday, 12 October 2016
The portal Agro2b.ru estimate how much it costs to prepare a portion of a full school lunch in various regions of Russia

Wednesday, 13 July 2016
Most running product in the summer – ice cream, portal Аgro2b.ru considered how much it will cost people in different regions of Russia cooking ice cream at home

Friday, 06 May 2016
In anticipation of the may holidays portal Аgro2b.ru considered how much it will cost to inhabitants of various regions of Russia cooking skewers of pork or lamb

Thursday, 28 April 2016
Revision portal Agro2b.ru continuing its annual study of the cost of traditional products needed for the Passover table in all regions of Russia

Tuesday, 22 March 2016
From 1 April increased the excise tax on fuel, the average retail price of gasoline will increase by 2.5 ruble. Portal Agro2b.ru decided to find out how much now is the gasoline in the Russian regions, where the most expensive and the cheapest fuel, and where over the past year of 2015, gasoline prices were growing actively, and Vice versa - the cost of fuel practically have not changed

Wednesday, 09 March 2016
For 2015 beef on average in Russia increased by 7.5%. Agro2b.ru made a rating of regions where beef for the year, contrary to national trends, declined or grew minimally, did not remain without attention and the regions, where prices are rather increased to the maximum. We also examined the regions with the most affordable and highest prices for beef, recalled last year's leader and noted developments on the cattle market in 2015

Thursday, 04 February 2016
2015 chicken meat in Russia on average fell by 6%. Agro2b.ru made a rating of regions where the chicken is stronger than a year fell in price, and where prices, on the contrary, has grown. We will also consider regions with the most affordable and highest prices for chicken, remember last year's leader and explain the changes that have occurred in the poultry market in 2015

Wednesday, 13 January 2016
Revision portal Agro2b.ru has estimated how much it will cost to make old-new year dumplings with surprises in different regions of Russia

Wednesday, 23 December 2015
Рейтинг регионов по стоимости салата Оливье

Tuesday, 15 December 2015
Rating of regions by level of gasification of the rural population

Wednesday, 09 December 2015
Rating of regions by level of the rural population with hot and cold water

Thursday, 03 December 2015
Rating of regions by level of the rural population with Central heating

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Monday, 16 November 2015
In the cold season the dumplings remain one of the favorite dishes for many people in our country. Agro2b.ru find out how much it costs to cook dumplings with the most popular fillings in different regions of Russia

Friday, 09 October 2015
Just last season Russia exported 1 987 thousand tons of sunflower oil. Agro2b.ru presents an overview of the Russian export market of sunflower oil – by whom, how much and where it was taken out.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015
Agro2b.ru подсчитал, во сколько обходится приготовление обеда для школьников в различных регионах России.

Monday, 20 July 2015
Экспорт зерна из России в сезоне 2014/2015 годов составил около 37 млн. тонн. Agro2b.ru подробно рассмотрел отгрузки российского зерна - кем, сколько, откуда и куда оно вывозилось

Thursday, 09 July 2015
For the first six months of 2015, Russian farmers received 48,46% Federal and 46,93% of the regional agricultural subsidies. Agro2b.ru represents a rating of the regions in which funds from the Federal and regional support are communicated to farmers expeditiously. And also the regions where the development of subsidies has lagged.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015
Okroshka is a traditional dish of Russian cuisine. Cold soup is very popular in the summer. Agro2b.ru find out how much it costs to make okroshka in different regions of Russia.