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2015-04-14 11:55:02

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efficacy of A. the necessary addition of phosphors animals,will replace the secondary acid phosphate, Kalam, will reduce the cost of production. B. Eliminates anti-nutritional effect,separate pututline substance complexing of phytic acid. V. phytic acid may be required in order to combine protein,so you can reduce the activity of enzymes of animal,phytase directionally helps to restore the activity of endogenous enzymes G. Effective increases the absorption of phosphorus in the feed reduced the amount of phosphorus in the feces, and this, in turn, contributes to the improvement of the environmental situation. Feature A. Natural bacteria,safety B. High purity and activity,will provide high security,vysokoeffektivnoi.will effectively reduce the cost of customers V. dry and jednosci udovletvoryt different needs G. Thermostable phytase has favorable thermal stability,meet the needs of the granulation Main products: BJ-PHY5/ BJ-PHY5H, BJ-PHY10/ BJ-PHY10H, BJ-PHY50/ BJ-PHY50H, BJ-PHY200/ BJ-PHY200H