КУРС ЦБ $ USD 94,0922 EUR 100,5316
00:00:00  00.00.0000
Москва 0 , 0м/с
2018-01-17 10:45:29

Данашев Шамиль
р-н Тихорецкий
Хелатные микроудобрения
350,00 руб.
"Optim - MIX" Microfertilizer "Optim—MIX" has a complex combined action of: increases the germination energy and seed germination; enhances root formation; increases resistance to adverse environmental factors(hypothermia, overheating, lack or excess of light and moisture); increases cold resistance, heat resistance and drought resistance; optimizes photosynthesis, eliminates chlorosis of plants; increases thenewlayout; enhances immunity and resistance to diseases; contributes to the accumulation of protein and gluten; increases productivity of nitrifying bacteria in the soil and fixation of atmospheric nitrogen; increases the efficiency of macrofertilizer, facilitates proper assimilation of nutrients; accelerates intracellular transformation of nitrates in easily digestible amine components and amino acids; enhances flowering and accelerate the ripening of plants; increases crop yields; increases the number of grains per spike. composition allows to be used together with other fertilizers in the complex. It is recommended that seed treatment with the drug "Optim — MIX", with the subsequent processing of vegetating plants – foliar feeding "Optim - MIX". Method of application: Attention! Before using "Optim — MIX", the canister need to be shaken. The rate of application depends on the content of micro and macroelements in the soil: 0.25 — 0.5 l/ha preventive modification, 1 — 1,5 l/ha — with a lack of micronutrients. To gain 1/3 of the sprayer (or-capacity for preparation of working solution ) water dissolve the calculated normal "Optim — MIX", mix for 2 — 3 minutes, to dissolve the associated pesticides (HERBICIDES, INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES), to get the water to full capacity. The composition of macro and micronutrients N:P:K 20:30:50 Zn 22,7 Fe 3 Cu 0,4 Mo 0,5 Mn of 1.3 B 2 1,5 Mg S 15 number of state registration of agrochemical: 296-13-641-1 Flexible system of payment, deferred
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