КУРС ЦБ $ USD 92,5058 EUR 98,9118
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2018-05-28 12:14:54

Ильина Юлия Александровна
+7 499 246 40 98
с Менеуз-Москва
Масложировая продукция
34 000,00 руб.
PART 1. CURRENT EXPORT SUPPLIES OF RUSSIAN MANUFACTURERS CRUDE RAPESEED OIL 1.1. Dynamics of export supplies of canola oil. 1.2. The geography of export of rapeseed oil. 1.3. Manufacturers of export products. 1.4. Rapeseed oil exports by companies-recipients. 1.5. Cost analysis export. PART 2. THE POSSIBILITY OF SUBSTITUTION OF IMPORTS OF CRUDE RAPESEED OIL 2.1. Dynamics of import of rapeseed oil. 2.2. The geography of imports of rapeseed oil. 2.3. Manufacturers of imported products. 2.4. Import of rapeseed oil by company-recipients. 2.5. Cost analysis of imports. PART 3. DIRECTION OF WORLD TRADE IN CRUDE RAPESEED OIL 3.1. Dynamics of export of rapeseed oil by countries 3.2. Dynamics of import of rapeseed oil by countries 3.3. Directions of supplies of rapeseed oil key countries-exporters PART 4. PRICE ANALYSIS 4.1. Dynamics of prices at exporting countries 4.2. Dynamics of prices across countries importers 4.3. The average price of supply from exporting countries to importing countries 4.4. Rates of customs duties on import of rapeseed oil by countries of the WTO PART 5. PROMISING DIRECTIONS OF SUPPLIES OF RAW RAPESEED OIL