КУРС ЦБ $ USD 93,2918 EUR 99,5609
00:00:00  00.00.0000
Москва 0 , 0м/с
2020-02-12 15:20:34

Восемь Акров
+7 988 525 86 60
р-н Северский
Земельные участки с/х назначения
12 000,00 руб.
Rent land with/x destination in the Seversky district of the Krasnodar territory with total area of 600 Hectares (arable land), land is treated. The topography of the array smooth. Good access roads. Along the array passes an irrigation canal. The station is owned by physical person. Possible subsequent redemption. +79885258660. Website: vosemakrov.ru/for-rent