КУРС ЦБ $ USD 92,5058 EUR 98,9118
00:00:00  00.00.0000
Москва 0 , 0м/с
2020-05-15 11:51:53

Ильина Юлия Александровна
+7 499 246 40 98
с Менеуз-Москва
Проектирование и строительство с/х объектов
34 000,00 руб.
1. THE VOLUME AND STRUCTURE OF CONSUMPTION OF MASTERBATCHES. 1.1. Dynamics of volumes of consumption of masterbatches. 1.2. Commodity structure of the market of masterbatches. 1.3. The share of imports. 1.4. The scheme of distribution of the product. 2. DOMESTIC PRODUCTION OF MASTERBATCHES 2.1. Dynamics of production of masterbatches. 2.2. Production volumes of the enterprises-manufacturers of masterbatches. 2.3. Characteristics of products. 3. THE POSSIBILITIES OF IMPORT SUBSTITUTION OF MASTERBATCHES. 3.1. Dynamics of imports of masterbatches. 3.2. Commodity structure of import of masterbatches. 3.3. The geography of import deliveries of masterbatches. 3.4. Volumes of supplies of suppliers and companies-recipients of masterbatches. 3.5. The reasons for the presence of import masterbatches 4. THE ANALYSIS OF PRICES. 4.1. Selling prices of domestic manufacturers of masterbatches. 4.2. The purchase prices of importers of masterbatches. 4.3. Characteristics of price changes at various stages of product distribution. 5. FORECAST OF MARKET DEVELOPMENT OF MASTERBATCHES. 5.1. The forecast of volumes of consumption of masterbatches. 5.2. Forecast for the development of internal capacity. 5.3. Market prospects for the production of masterbatches. APPENDIX 1. CONTACT DATA OF MANUFACTURERS OF MASTERBATCHES.