КУРС ЦБ $ USD 93,2918 EUR 99,5609
00:00:00  00.00.0000
Москва 0 , 0м/с
2020-07-03 10:34:35

Андрей Поречный
+7 918 445 07 40
край Краснодарский
Хелатные микроудобрения
1 000,00 руб.
System sheet supply BION-Intelligence Winter wheat On the planned yield of 70 t/ha: 4 phases: tillering (n. p. - 1 l/ha) trubavina (n. p. - 1 l/ha) earing (n. p. - 1,5 l/ha) filling (n. p. - 1 l/ha) The total composition of DOE, D. V. g/l: Zn - 122 Mo - 26 Cu - 66 Mn - 55 B - 26 Fulvate - gamaty complex - 38 L-amino acids 116 Price for the whole system on 1 ha – 1,000 rubles with VAT. Shipping to the Russian Federation. Tel: 8-800-301-77-27 8-918 445-07-40 Andrew (Whatsapp)