КУРС ЦБ $ USD 91,6918 EUR 98,5602
00:00:00  00.00.0000
Москва 0 , 0м/с
2015-11-02 15:52:23

г Ставрополь
Органоминеральные удобрения
960,00 руб.
Free (active) amino acids 10%; Total nitrogen -3%, including ammonium - 0.6%, the nitrate - 0,7%, organic - 1,7%; Phosphorus (P2O5) - 1%; Potassium (K2O) -1%. Liquid organic-mineral fertilizer based on seaweed extract with added macronutrients. Stimulator of plant development, with rapid effect, increases resistance of plants to adverse conditions (cold, heat, phytotoxicity, disease and other stressful situations). It is used on all field, vegetable, fruit and ornamental crops, as well as colors. Application rate: 0,3-1 l/ha
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