КУРС ЦБ $ USD 90,9873 EUR 98,7776
00:00:00  00.00.0000
Москва 0 , 0м/с
2015-11-26 19:43:47

Александр Александрович
г Москва
Изоляты, концентраты, текстураты
500,00 руб.
The juice of pear-wildings concentrated in vacuum at temperatures up to 45 C. the Concentration at lower temperatures minimizes the loss of biological value and allows to obtain a concentrate with high content of biologically active substances. Concentrate rich in b vitamins, E, C, P, PP, beta-carotene, trace elements (zinc, copper, Nickel, molybdenum, iodine, manganese, iron, fluoride), organic acids, fructose, tannins, pectin. Properties: diuretic, fixing, normalizing temperature, antitussive, antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, strengthening the immune system. Juice yield is 3%. Price given for 100 g of product