КУРС ЦБ $ USD 91,8239 EUR 98,9461
00:00:00  00.00.0000
Москва 0 , 0м/с
2016-03-05 11:43:51

Александр Чжу
Респ Карелия
100,00 руб.
Anthente ASTpack Features big-bags The standard size of big-run – 90x90 cm, height from 90 cm to 200 cm. Load capacity in kg среднем1000, but bigger containers can withstand даже3000 kg. The number of loops from 1 to 4. Thanks to him the cargo in such containers is very convenient to move. There may be additional elements to facilitate loading and unloading of the upper and lower valves, drop bottom, top Assembly, special inserts.The contents easier to pour if to untie the lower valve, open the bottom or just cut it. With its ease of use and its characteristics this kind of packaging today has spread in many fields:chemical, food, construction, agricultural many others. It is universal, can be adapted to work with any equipment that reduces the amount of waste on construction sites. http://www.anthente.net/index.php?l=3 alexander.r@anthente.net