КУРС ЦБ $ USD 91,6918 EUR 98,5602
00:00:00  00.00.0000
Москва 0 , 0м/с
2016-06-17 12:03:58

Ковтонюк Сергей
Органоминеральные удобрения
Цена договорная
Ground Active - concentrated complex fertilizer, different from similar products with significant efficiency, a wide range of applications, as well as a high content of humic substances, natural forms of micronutrients in plant-available form and other biologically active substances, including amino acids, vitamins, natural antibiotics. The complex of biologically active substances (humic, fulvic and carbonic acids, carbohydrates) from the org. substances not less than 97%. Trace elements: total nitrogen, N – not less than 30.0 g/l, total phosphorus, P2O5 is not less than 30.0 g/l, total potassium, K2O - not less than 30.0 g/l trace elements: Mn, Zn, Co, Cu, Fe, Mo, B, Mg, Ca, S.