КУРС ЦБ $ USD 91,6918 EUR 98,5602
00:00:00  00.00.0000
Москва 0 , 0м/с
2018-03-02 13:44:06

Эмилия Зеер
+7 985 295 75 02
обл Московская
Сено, солома, силос
9 500,00 руб.
Sell hay 2017. Currently available: - The Dmitrovsky district d. Yakot 100 tons - The Klin district, vozdvizhenskoe 300 tons The composition of hay, natural pasture. PRICE WITH SHIPPING! Bales from 16 to 20 kg in average size 49*39*80. The coils at 320-380 kg. Price from 8 5000r per 1 ton, pickup.