КУРС ЦБ $ USD 91,6918 EUR 98,5602
00:00:00  00.00.0000
Москва 0 , 0м/с
2018-06-20 10:22:19

Pasiyeshvili Gocha
+7 980 322 81 90
+7 472 482 63 49
п Шебекинский
Цена договорная
Bio-fertilizer "Nitragin KM" is intended for presowing treatment of soybean seeds.For the treatment of a 10 hectare dose of seeds of soybeans (approximately 1тонна) use 900g of the drug(1 pack) Bio-fertilizer "Nitragin KM" - bulk inoculum of soybean on the basis of an effective strain of nodule bacteria Bradyrhizobium japonicum (a soybean symbiont). The principle of operation The characteristic culture of Bradyrhizobium japonicum is the ability to infiltrate the root hairs of soybean roots and cause the formation of root nodules with bacteria as intracellular symbionts that can fix nitrogen from the air and synthesize organic nitrogen compounds, is readily available for plants and enrich the soil with nitrogen. Properties and benefits the preparation contains a highly effective strain of bacteria Bradyrhizobium japonicum, as well as products of metabolism: stimulants of growth and rooting of biologically active substances; the unique production technology of the drug with the use of fine supervegeta neutral carrier provides the safety culture and effectiveness of a drug that reduces the rate of input of the drug to 80 - 90 grams per 1 hectare rate of seeds, as well as improving the safety of nodule bacteria at all stages of the process of sowing soybeans and in a waiting period of germination. The drug (under the wet processing method) is supplied jointly with the OMK (organo-mineral complex), intended for the nutrition of bacteria and soybean plants macro - and microelements, as well as adhesion of the drug solution to the surface of soybean seeds. "Nitragin KM": enhances the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen on the roots of plants, replacing up to 30-80 kg/ha of mineral nitrogen fertilizers; increases soybean yields by 10-20% with a significant improvement of grain quality of soybean; increases the uptake by plants of mineral substances; enhances plant resistance to unfavorable factors of environment; accelerates ripening for 10-15 days; suppresses the development of pathogens; increases soil fertility. Method of application A drug used for the treatment of soybean seeds: wet; dry way. The processing and storage of treated seeds is carried out in areas protected from direct sunlight. Security Bio-fertilizer "Nitragin KM" - low hazard product. During storage and transport to comply with all requirements and precautionary measures according to SanPiN 1.2.1077-01 and SP 1.2.1170-02. A storage warranty period – 6 months