КУРС ЦБ $ USD 92,0134 EUR 98,7187
00:00:00  00.00.0000
Москва 0 , 0м/с
2019-07-12 19:42:34

+7 904 403 69 44
+7 904 403 69 44
г Волгоград
Мясоперерабатывающее оборудование
1 000,00 руб.
Sausage shop(mini plant) is used for producing different assortments of cooked and smoked sausages. The performance of the sausage shop on one day - 800 kg of sausage. The machine is equipped with digital program control, easy for operation and allow for ongoing cycles of work, getting the same quality of each product. All machines, binding sites, construction materials and tools meet the high requirements of European standards and hygienic norms. Sausage shop(mini plant) consists of production facilities where built all the machines and facilities required for one full process cycle. All the machines and devices installed and tested at the factory in the manufacturing, transport and after several time of installation can work as intended.