КУРС ЦБ $ USD 90,6537 EUR 98,5842
00:00:00  00.00.0000
Москва 0 , 0м/с
2018-07-19 15:54:29

Бройлер Дон
+8 800 505 28 79
+8 800 505 28 79
г Ростов-на-Дону
Livestock and poultry
10,00 руб.
A distinctive feature of this species is the yellow birds, even in the case when it is not fed pigmented feed. Feathers broilers are white, as with the previous bird. They have a fairly intensive growth. Age, which is the best time for slaughter is about forty days. During this period, the bird can weigh about two and a half pounds. Very positive characteristics are the Chicks of the breed COBB 500. They very quickly gain muscle mass and grow quickly. The positive characteristics of the breed broilers: Broilers have a high live weight growth. Are low cost of meat. Broilers have a very very large and strong legs. Have great conversion rates at the stern. Birds have white and have large Breasts. The breed of broilers of COBB – 500 has excellent survival rates. The flock of birds is homogeneous, and do not differ from each other. The disadvantages of this breed is not identified. On the productivity of the breed is influenced by several reasons, chief among them is proper feeding of broilers. In order to intensively grow muscle mass birds need to fatten especially in the first month. At: 1. Rostov region, Myasnikovsky district, village of Chaltyr, Industrial area, 3. Phone: 8 800 505 28 79 EXT.36 - 06 2. article Zadono-Kagal'nitskaya, Semikarakorskiy R-on. tel 8-928-619-67-66 3. article Old Tunicatunica, Kamenskiy R-on, pH. 8-928-198-81-10
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