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2020-05-15 11:50:45

Ильина Юлия Александровна
+7 499 246 40 98
с Менеуз-Москва
Дизельное топливо для с/х техники, масла
34 000,00 руб.
CHAPTER 1. PROPERTIES, PRODUCTION, APPLICATION 1.1. Properties of MTBE 1.2. the process of obtaining MTBE 1.3. specifications on the other CHAPTER 2. THE SITUATION ON THE EUROPEAN MARKET OF HIGH-OCTANE OXYGEN-CONTAINING COMPONENTS OF FUEL 2.1. The production capacity of MTBE, ETBE and tame in Europe 2.2. Production and consumption of MTBE in Europe CHAPTER 3. THE PRODUCTION OF MTBE IN RUSSIA 3.1. The production capacity of MTBE in enterprises 3.1.1. Dynamics of commissioning of capacities. 3.1.2. Existing power plants 3.2. Volume, dynamics and structure of production of MTBE in enterprises 3.2.1. Volume and dynamics of the aggregate production of MTBE. 3.2.2. The production volume of MTBE in enterprises 3.3. The plans of the enterprises reconstruction and translation capacity CHAPTER 4. EXPORTS OF MTBE. 4.1. Volume and dynamics of exports. 4.2. The structure of exports by producers. 4.3. Export destinations of MTBE. 4.4. Recipient companies of MTBE CHAPTER 5. CONSUMERS OF MTBE IN RUSSIA 5.1. The consumption of MTBE. 5.2. The structure of the supply of the domestic market 5.3. Production of automobile gasolines in Russia 5.3.1. The volume of production of motor gasoline at the enterprises 5.3.2. Standards and requirements for gasoline 5.3.3. Component composition of gasoline in Russia 5.4. Perspectives and normative documentation on the use of biobusinesses high-octane components for gasoline CHAPTER 6. THE PRICING ENVIRONMENT IN THE RUSSIAN MARKET OF MTBE 6.1. The dynamics of the European prices for MTBE 6.2. Producer prices CHAPTER 7. FORECAST OF PRODUCTION AND DEMAND FOR MTBE. 7.1. Forecast production and exports of MTBE 7.2. Forecast of domestic consumption of MTBE