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Friday, 30 October 2015
According to Director General of the National pig producers Union of Russia's private farming is growing at a good pace, and decent support was the import from Brazil

Reason in the opinion of management, rests on the reduction of the fleet and the lack of financial tool for development industry

The Bank disbursed almost 12 billion rubles of loans to two regional companies

The equipment for the new sugar plant will produce a military plant in Tambov on European drawings

Thursday, 29 October 2015

The event gathered at the site of 200 companies from different countries

The cost price of products and the loss of fertilizers to the Russian farmers told the forum "Agroyug" Maxim Seregin, head of sales Department in RF and CIS

The sector of greenhouse agriculture requires investments due to the high consumption of products in greenhouses

The flour market in Russia largely closed in terms of needs within the country

In the framework of the international forum "agro-South" the head of SovEcon, told about the pace of development of agriculture in Russia today and prospects for the industry in the near future

The event gathered at the site of more than 200 Russian and foreign companies and experts in the field of agriculture and Prodovolstvenno market