КУРС ЦБ $ USD 92,0134 EUR 98,7187
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2018-08-27 09:11:56

Решетникова Тамара
+7 499 390 80 62
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100 000,00 руб.
"Technologies of Growth" offer new research potential of the construction and commercial feasibility of new projects in the Russian regions from the point of view of the balance of consumer demand and product offerings, current and future competition plans announced projects. The calculations and forecasts of market development are based on aggregated market data obtained from enterprises working in the greenhouse industry, from reports of companies, official statistics, business and industry media, experts, and private information "technologies of Growth", including previous action research. The study will be useful to potential investors of greenhouse complexes in Russia to determine the capabilities of the sales of finished products, as well as manufacturers and suppliers of fresh vegetables and herbs from overseas to understand the perspectives of logistics in Russia and in specific regions of the Russian Federation. The study can be used as the basis for the formation of a marketing study for a new business-projects of construction and modernization of operating greenhouses to increase production and sales of fresh vegetables to consumers in regions of the Russian Federation. The full version of the study includes 172 pages, including 22 Applications, 117 diagrams, 14 tables, 2 diagrams. Detailed description of the report and its Demo version presented on the website www.t-rost.ru the company "Technologies of Growth". To purchase this Report, please contact us on our contacts.